Outlining plans for living and working on Mars, the space agency is focusing on oxygen, food, water, power, spacesuits, ...
Scientists have found unusual, blueberry-like rocks on Mars that could give us more insights into its geological history.
NASA's Curiosity Rover has discovered long carbon chains on Mars. On Earth, molecules like these are overwhelmingly produced ...
Scientists from NASA, analysing rock samples collected by the Curiosity rover, have discovered the largest organic molecules ...
While Curiosity mission scientists have previously identified small, simple organic molecules on the red planet, the ...
From its perch in the foothills of the 3.4-mile-high mountain, you can see over an expanse of plains, called Aeolis Palus, ...
Scientists are confident Mars was once abundant with water, as seen in massive flood-carved channels, ancient river valleys, ...
Since its arrival on the Martian surface five years ago, NASA’s Perseverance rover has been busy scouring the Red Planet for ...
NASA Technicians do final checks on NASA's Spirit rover in this image from March 28, 2003. The rover - and its twin, ...
Curiosity has been exploring the Gale Crater on Mars since 2012 and its sample with the fatty acid molecules were found in a ...
Chains of up to a dozen carbon atoms have been detected in what appears to have been an ancient lakebed on Mars, contributing ...
The longest organic molecules identified to date on Mars have recently been detected by scientists from the CNRS, together ...