When we pray to Jesus Christ, we are praying to the Messiah, the Anointed One, whose mission involves calling the world back to God through the power of his love. "Listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth ...
It was an arrest of biblical proportions. An intoxicated Virginia man who broke into a Bible study session took it upon himself to investigate, thinking it was a human trafficking operation ...
Let them remember, however, that prayer should accompany the reading of Sacred Scripture, so that a dialogue takes place between God and man ... It is through the Bible that we meet the Person ...
The New Testament portion reads: "As he (Jesus) went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him ... He said it was as if God was smiling, and was happy he had the faith to pray.
Salah, meaning ‘prayer’ or ‘supplication’, is also known as Namaz among non-Arab Muslims. Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam, which form the core beliefs and practices of the religion.
The Nova Scotia government communications agency is being restructured to provide better integration between government policy, planning, operations and communications, says the minister responsible ...
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The lawsuit against the school district alleges the misuse of $76.7 million in Prop. 28 funds dedicated for art and music ...
According to Firefly, which released its report last week, Mike Bickle sexually abused at least 17 women, including minors.