在如今这个充满创意与想象的游戏时代,《Gretel's Honesty》以其独特的格林童话主题引发了玩家们的关注。这款由CallenDulla工作室精心制作和发行的文字冒险游戏,取材于经典的《糖果屋历险记》,给玩家们带来了全新的艺术体验和情感共鸣。游戏现已正式上线Steam平台,虽然目前尚不支持中文,但这并不妨碍玩家们对这个奇幻世界的探索欲望。
之前我们报道过,开发过《奇异人生》系列的Don\'tNod工作室在去年十月宣布,由于财务状况持续恶化,他们将进行“重组项目”,可能涉及裁员多达69人。据游戏博主@Pirat_Nation在其推特上透露,Don\'tNod工作室的价值曾在 ...
由Don\'tNod工作室开发的《奇异人生:双重曝光》自从上线以来,就因为其LGBTQ元素过多以及角色结局处理不当等问题引发了广泛的争议。去年十月份,Don\'tNod工作室宣布启动重组项目,并可能导致多达69名员工被辞退。据推 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
When a single mother sees a chance to improve her life, she befriends a strange woman with supernatural powers who can help her make some fast money. However, when the police get involved, their plans ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...