If you've ever wanted to try climbing, come see us! Or, if you climb as often as you drink water, come try out a new problem every week. For questions or reservations, email [email protected] or ...
The likely operator of the space would be Clip 'n Climb UK, who would provide climbing and soft play facilities along with a café. Planning consultants said the proposal would bring "wider ...
台湾曾对特朗普政府在乌克兰问题上的转变感到担忧,但随着来自中国的威吓升级,台北方面愈发相信他们能得到特朗普的支持。 习近平在罕见会面中敦促外企CEO:捍卫全球贸易 中国领导人习近平敦促外企高管捍卫贸易,并表示全球化不可阻挡。这隐含着与 ...
One of the most important safety procedures that one can do before climbing is tying into the rope and anchor system properly. The knot that is most commonly used for tying into a harness is the ...
Plus, they offer services to train you in rock climbing, so if you want to go pro, this is where you should be. A three-faced, 50-feet-high climbing wall, Kanteerava Stadium is the perfect place to ...