It’s one of the holiest days of the year for Christians, because they believe Jesus' death is part of God's plan to rescue humankind. Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week, when Jesus arrived in ...
The purpose of Holy Week is to reenact, relive, and participate in the passion of Jesus Christ. Holy Week is the same in the eastern and western Church, but because eastern Christians use the ...
In his famous conversation with the religious leader, Nicodemus, Jesus says, “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes ...
Jesus, however, did not take flesh to be like us. Jesus took flesh so we could be like him. It is his story that we tell in Holy Week so that we can become part of it. I turn to these Passion ...
Depending on your faith and what you celebrate, Palm Sunday kicks off spring and all that it entails. The religious holiday, which centers around Jesus Christ and his arrival in Jerusalem, is actually ...
In the midst of the season of reflection that marks the beginning of Holy Week, many remember one of ... for the persecution and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. This path he walked while being ...
of Holy Week. These days are the three holiest days in the Catholic Church. This Mass stresses the importance Jesus puts on the humility of service, and the need for cleansing with water ...
Holy Saturday marks the end of the Lenten season on April 19, it is a time to mourn the death of Jesus and to prepare for his ...
The Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) is set to stage the all-original Filipino musical “Pilato” in time for Holy Week.