When Rose Thompson, of Skaneateles, went ice fishing for perch recently on the north end of Cayuga Lake she didn’t realize she’d need a bigger hole. Thompson dropped a homemade teardrop jig ...
There have not been very many years in the last two decades when ice fishing on Lake Erie was possible. When nature does revert to age-old times of cold weather in winter, like this year, the ice ...
Kids love to ice fish, too. Kannon and Knox Stein are 3 and 4 years old, respectively, and they love to fish for panfish with their grandpa. They especially like fishing Chautauqua Lake near Mayville.
On Sunday afternoon, a young crowd took over the ice on Lake Minnetonka. Families were on hand for a free, youth ice-fishing event. Brothers William and Vick Tan organized the meet-up. MINNETONKA ...