The Male Seahorse use pouches for birth but some species give premature birth from their mouth. Mouth brooding keep their eggs in their mouth to protect them from the other killing species.
Male seahorses carry and give birth to their young, expelling them from their pouch via their mouths. Some goby fish species give birth to their young in their mouths, where they remain until they are ...
The male incubates the eggs in his pouch for about 20 to 28 days, an gives birth to fully-formed seahorses.
Dwindling natural habitats are causing a significant decline in certain seahorse species. To bolster populations, researchers ...
Once the eggs hatch, the male pours the fry into the water and thereby giving them a higher survival rate because it had protected them at the highly vulnerable periods of their development.
British marine biologist and photographer Richard Smith focuses his work on the ocean’s tiniest and weirdest creatures.
A heavily pregnant male Denise's pygmy seahorse is photographed on his way to give birth, in Wakatobi, Sulawesi, Indonesia. - Richard Smith/ “I think anthropomorphism has a ...