A familiar word relating to Jewish history and practice, genizah refers to sacred texts held in the cellars and attics of ...
Dust filled the air as Rabbi Yosef Hamra opened a long-sealed closet containing holy scrolls untouched since he last held ...
On a snowy prairie in Minnesota stands a monastery like no other. A concrete trapezoid banner encasing a bell tower looms ...
Rabbi Daniel Bouskila is the international director of the Sephardic Educational Center.
No matter what our individual views may be, whether or not we are religious, Jews are indigenous to the Holy Land.
Rabbi Pinto addressed the difficult day and said: “This is a sorrow that affects all of Israel, a pain that is very difficult ...
King Saul lost the monarchy because he was “rosh katan”, David succeeded him as King by virtue of his rare quality of “rosh ...
Without the misguidance embodied by Satan, prophetic messages would not test the believers faith. Without distance, there can be no nearness; without wrong, no right; without darkness, no light. All ...
Do not come any closer.” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 35:5 ...
Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto concludes: “Through complete devotion to the Holy Torah and the attribute of holiness, a person can achieve lofty insights and fulfill the divine potential hidden within his soul ...
The Pope reached out, affectionately ran his fingers through my hair, then shook my hand, his handshake firm, hands warm. “Smile,” said the shutterbug who captured my father grinning, the Pope beaming ...
The shooting at Lakewood Church last year remains an unsettling and tragic event.