To enquire about specific property features for 11 Gumtree Glen, Sapphire Beach, contact the agent. What is the size of the property at 11 Gumtree Glen, Sapphire Beach? The external land size for ...
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Ten stitches were required to seal a gash on a woman’s head after she was hit by the falling branch. An Adelaide couple have been injured after a gumtree suddenly dropped a limb outside their ...
A high pressure system over the Bight extends a ridge across the state while a southerly change associated with a trough is crossing southeast Queensland. The high will move eastwards, entering the ...
A relieved daughter says she feels like 'punching her dad in the face' after he was pulled to safety from floodwaters in dramatic scenes.  The man called his daughter for help after driving his ute ...
From the beach to the bush, NSW Drive will bring you up to speed on the latest news and information you need to know — all whilst having a great time spending the afternoon with you. Whether you ...
Balesh Dhankhar drugged and sexually assaulted his victims. Picture: Facebook Dhankhar created a Gumtree advertisement for a fake translation job in which he organised job interviews with South Korean ...
Balesh Dhankhar drugged and sexually assaulted his victims. Picture: Facebook Dhankhar created a Gumtree advertisement for a fake translation job in which he organised job interviews with South ...
Minns Labor Government is taking strong action to prevent a waste crisis in NSW, with landfill due to reach capacity in Greater Sydney by 2030. NSW has just passed landmark legislation to become the ...
For Emergency Help in Floods Call the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500 .