AVALANCHE WARNING is in effect until 6 AM Wednesday for the The Centennial Mountains near Island Park and the Lionhead area near West Yellowstone. Heavy snowfal ...
It was a mixture of hail and graupel ― two kinds of small, pellet-like frozen droplets. Get daily updates on the Packers during the season. So, what is graupel, and what makes it different from ...
First Alert Weather: The warming trend continues, and by Friday afternoon temps close to 70°. A few strong storms are possible late Friday into early Saturday.
There are reports that Northeast El Paso around Transmountain Road is getting snow flurries and "frozen ice pellets" called ...
Valley residents were shocked when a graupel storm, a combination of soft hail and snow pellets, fell from the sky leaving streets covered in what looked like snow. CBS Lawyers Say They Will Seek ...
When water falls from a cloud, it is precipitation. Liquid precipitation is rain or freezing rain. If the drops are smaller ...
Finally, graupel, which looks like Dippin’ Dots ice cream, is caused by super cooled water drops freezing onto snowflakes.