Weng and his team reveal that out of hundreds of animal species, amphibians, specifically frogs, have the highest number of bitter taste receptors, known as TAS2Rs. While humans have 25 TAS2Rs ...
Corticosteroid signaling by glucocorticoids is mediated through two distinct intracellular receptor subtypes referred as the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR ...
How do activation of glucocorticoid receptor-deficient T-cells and dysregulation of COX-2 activity cause mortality? Histological analyses of TGRKO and control mice treated with antibody to CD3ε ...
So far, only two unique receptors have been cloned, fully characterized and shown to be capable of using specific hormones to produce rapid responses. Figure 4: Schematic diagram of a steroid ...
Despite the continued efforts of pharma as well as academia, the search for so-called selective glucocorticoid receptor modulators (SEGRMs), compounds with strong anti-inflammatory or anti-cancer ...
This mini-review reinforces the rationale to consider major depressive disorder (MDD) as an important risk factor to develop AD and points the central role played by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal ...