Grand Theft Auto V players are still divided over the Legacy and Enhanced versions. However, there's no point in not cashing ...
Despite creating a failed video game adaptation, Blizzard Entertainment is interested in creating more video game adaptations ...
在21世纪初,开放世界犯罪题材游戏正迎来黄金时代。《GTA》系列凭借卓越的游戏体验和超高自由度稳居行业巅峰,许多开发者纷纷试图打造属于自己的“GTA杀手”。然而,并非所有尝试都能成功,一些游戏或因技术限制,或因资金问题,最终未能问世。其中,Steel Monkeys工作室开发的《喋血赌城》便是一款被寄予厚望,却最终消失在玩家视野中的作品。 被寄予厚望的“GTA竞争者” 在开放世界游戏热潮兴起的年代 ...
Now that Intergalactic has been revealed by Naughty Dog, we finally know a game it's similar to in terms of player freedom.
Diablo 4 is still one of the games I find myself playing multiple times a week, and now we know to expect a second expansion ...
Chrono Trigger just hit its milestone 30th birthday, but despite being older than most gamers today, there's still never been ...
LS Tags in GTA Online tasks players with spray painting different locations around Los Santos every day — so here are all of the spots you’ll want to visit today to create some street art.
The next game from the project lead of Fallout 76 has been scaled back amid rough industry seas.
Amy Hennig's interpretation of one major character Uncharted 4 would've changed the game in ways no would've expected.
MISSISSAUGA, Ont. - Mississauga is the latest city that says it will stop flying the American flag amid a trade war between ...
Hertford alumnus Pinny Grylls returned to her old college for a screening of her latest film, Grand Theft Hamlet.
I'm sure many of you, like myself, who are pushing (or just past the line) 30 have fond memories of coming home after school, ...