There are a few things in Ash where the thought was, “Well, people are going to want to know it’s my movie, that it’s still me in here.” I dropped some things in just so you know, oh yes, this is the ...
“Mathemalchemy” has been described as “a mathematics fever dream turned artistic playground for all math lovers (and haters, ...
Researchers recorded footballer movement and how close they were to the ball, and found something truly bizarre.
Site-specific endonucleases that exclusively cut single-stranded DNA have hitherto never been described and constitute a barrier to the development of ssDNA-based technologies. Here the authors ...
Hi-C is a 3C derivative, based on proximity ligation of cross-linked DNA with a biotin linker ... densely knotted structure but rather a fractal globule, a knot-free, tightly packed conformation ...
In an interview, Hawking explained his concerns with Inflation Theory, saying, ‘The usual theory of eternal inflation predicts that globally our universe is like an infinite fractal, with a ...
Trees in nature follow a “self-similar” branching pattern called a fractal, in which the same structures repeat at smaller and smaller scales from the trunk to the branch tip. In the new study, ...
The Gila County Sheriff’s Office confirmed in addition to the murder of 14-year-old Emily Pike, they are investigating another murder that happened in the same area four years prior ...