Fiji's Prime Minister has addressed allegations for the first time that he was given a Rolex watch valued at FJ$150,000 in ...
Unity Fiji Party has taken a decisive step to challenge the legitimacy of the 2013 Constitution. The political party has ...
Narube argues that the government should never have pursued the amendment without ensuring it had the necessary parliamentary ...
One of party leader Viliame Gavoka’s demands was that Fiji open an embassy in Jerusalem. “Fiji is predominantly a Christian country and it has always been the wish of the Christian community ...
The Fiji Labour Party finds it appalling that Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, adorned with a $150,000-plus gold Rolex watch ...
Fiji has decided to open an embassy in Jerusalem, the Pacific country’s Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday. “Necessary risk assessments will be undertaken by the [Ministry of Foreign ...
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Three teams competed for victory in the fight song competition: Alpha Omicron Pi (AOII), Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI), and Alpha Tau Omega (ATO). AOII performed their version of a mash-up of classic party ...
The Uprising Beach Resort will come alive with colour, music, and celebration as it hosts the Holi Festival Foam Party, ...