Coughing up blood, medically known as hemoptysis, involves coughing or spitting up blood or blood-streaked mucus from your respiratory tract (i.e. lungs and airways). Coughed-up blood may appear ...
Acute aortic dissection is a life-threatening condition in which a tear develops in the main artery of the body *called the aorta), The tear causes the inner and middle layers of the aorta to dissect ...
Vitestro's blood drawing (phlebotomy) robot is designed to offer a solution to what the company says is a growing shortage of healthcare personnel, coupled with rising demand for blood tests with ...
A 'traumatised' teen was told he was coughing up 'pints' of blood due to a stomach ulcer after too many kebabs- only to discover it was lung damage from 'excessive vaping'. Jayden Richardson says ...
A 'traumatised' teen was told he was coughing up 'pints' of blood due to a stomach ulcer after too many kebabs - only to discover it was lung damage from 'excessive vaping'. Jayden Richardson says he ...
During a sudden arrhythmia, a doctor or nurse may coach a patient to cough vigorously to maintain enough blood flow to the brain to remain conscious for a few seconds until the arrhythmia is treated.
A "TRAUMATISED" teen was told he was coughing up "pints" of blood due to a stomach ulcer after eating too many kebabs - but he later discovered it was lung damage from "excessive vaping".