The 911 center was called about the letter just after 1 p.m., the dispatcher said. The Fan began broadcasting live from the station's parking lot while the situation unfolded. "We have no plans ...
Strong words, but I have little doubt they will be proven accurate. Again.
In 1979, Garry Trudeau published a “Doonesbury” book called, But the Pension Fund Was Just Sitting There, in which his Hunter S. Thompson parody, Uncle Duke, stole the fund’s money. If there ...
Jim Tressel is an excellent choice for lieutenant governor of Ohio. Born and raised in Mentor, Jim started his career education and his career at Baldwin Wallace University as the quarterback ...
Donald Duck’s uncle was the world’s richest Duck — Scrooge McDuck — who liked to dive and swim in his money bin. Today, we have another Donald who is being treated by the world’s richest ...
I am so glad the opinion editor of this paper has committed to fact checking letters to Voice of the People. There are several of your frequent contributors you need to pay closer attention to.
Two dogs that mauled 73-year-old Jo Ann Echelbarger in Ohio last year were found to have had cocaine in their systems, ...
At least twice, recent Ledger Dispatch letter writers have referred to him dismissively as a “communist,” though nothing is said about what Zinn actually wrote or said about anything. A little online ...
An authorization letter is a kind of agreement between two people and is usually sent as proof that the person can act on someone else’s behalf. The workplace is ever-evolving, but the need for ...
When planning to hire a new employee and get him or her on board, the most crucial aspect is the appointment letter. It’s a pivotal document in the recruitment process that significantly sets ...
Republicans have long had a good laugh over the old Ronald Reagan saw, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” ...
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