Giant 20-foot-long raptor dinosaurs once roamed Australia, according to a new study that could rewrite the evolutionary ...
Roam the primitive forests and thick swamps with bizarre dinosaurs and colossal amphibians ... Welcome to the lost prehistoric world of Gondwana. Welcome to Antarctica. Runtime is approximately 20 ...
Giant 20-foot-long raptor dinosaurs once roamed Australia ... includes the iconic velociraptor made famous by Jurassic Park films. The latest study highlights the role played by Australia ...
It is certainly not what we imagine when we think of dinosaurs that were alive at the time. So what did it look like, and where did it live? So it lived off the coast of Antarctica about 68 or 69 ...
Skull of ancient bird Vegavis is 69 million years old Key traits define Vegavis as anatomically modern bird Antarctica had a temperate climate during Cretaceous Period Feb 5 (Reuters) - Near the ...
(Reuters) - Near the end of the age of dinosaurs, a bird resembling today's loons and grebes dove for fish and other prey in the perilous waters off Antarctica. Thanks to a nearly complete fossil ...
Loon-like waterfowl from dinosaur-era Antarctica is oldest 'modern' bird Fossils of Vegavis were first described two decades ago. But without sufficient cranial remains its place on the bird ...
In the icy wilderness of Antarctica, where glaciers now dominate ... and specialized brains — were already thriving alongside dinosaurs just before a catastrophic asteroid wiped out their ...
Two hundred million years ago, icy Antarctica was a lush, temperate region, home to crocodile-sized amphibians and rhinoceros-sized dinosaurs. The exhibit Antarctic Dinosaurs will reveal this lost ...