Dental patient Michael Beesler, 61, died 3 days after Dr. Scott Schumann's office called 911 reporting he was sedated and not breathing.
As data shows thousands of over-65s are winding up in hospital with oral health issues, the Australian Dental Association is ...
The event featured people from various sectors of the Harbor Springs community speaking about the work they're doing in ...
An Australian study has found that bottle feeding toddlers to help get them to sleep is linked to dental cavities and ...
Dental teams could soon detect early signs of undiagnosed Type-2 diabetes as part of routine appointments.
There is a man they call The Iowa Meat Truck. You can spot Peyton Williams from five fields away. He looks like everyone else ...
Prisoners must request services and are only seen in emergency circumstances.
Vantagepoint A.I. provides market traders insight by using AI software and support and a 2025 Best Places to Work honoree.
For those with a bicuspid aortic valve, a routine dental checkup can prove fatal. Research suggests stopping antibiotics before procedures puts even more at risk.
Stevens Construction started construction of Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida’s newest location, 169 W. Hickpochee Ave. in LaBelle.
ADVICE FROM A FORMER PM — STEPHEN HARPER has a simple message for Ottawa’s dealings with Trump: Have a plan — but don’t rise to the bait, POLITICO’s ROBBIE GRAMER reports.