The United Nations aims to promote sustained and inclusive economic growth that yields full productive employment for all by 2030. Career Innovation in Music and the Performing Arts (360-0-1) Today's ...
PwC NI Partnership Ulster's Business School partnered with PwC NI to launch 50 new fully funded Degree Apprenticeships, ensuring NI is a place where students choose not only to study but to stay and ...
Tens of millions of people worldwide still do not have access to employment. Sustainable, inclusive, sustained economic growth based on decent work for all will help improve mankind’s living ...
Putting job creation at the heart of economic policymaking and development plans will not only generate decent work opportunities but also lead to robust, inclusive and poverty-reducing growth.
It explored their pay and conditions, their health and wellbeing, and their views on what changes could improve these types of work. Recommendations included extending basic worker ... The University ...
Sustainable Development Goal 8 aims to ensure everyone can be employed productively in decent work. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth is a key part of this. Globally, access to sustainable ...
Sustainable and inclusive economic growth can drive progress, create decent jobs for all and improve living standards. Economic prosperity requires societies to create conditions that allow people ...
Silence speaks volumes: How mental health influences employee silence at work We need to better understand why some employees keep silent ... Learn to make positive change through economic and social ...
Article 24 sets out the right of refugees to benefit from labour legislation and social security. To facilitate access to decent work, States must take deliberate, concrete and targeted steps to ...
IMF research has shown that persistently high inequality is associated with lower, less durable economic growth and greater financial instability—which makes reducing inequality directly relevant to ...