The oldest cobblestone street in Virginia is none other than Captains Row in Alexandria, a scenic block of Prince Street named for Captain John Harper who built some of the area's homes in the ...
The alignments of the streets match their historic locations and every cobble used for the construction either came directly from the site or another original City of Buffalo cobblestone street.
While planning can be fun, we’ve gone ahead and done the heavy-lifting planning for you for a weekend guide to Alexandria, Virginia ... bolstered by cobblestone streets, 18th century row ...
Civil War battlefields and presidential homes (Virginia's the home state of eight presidents, after all). In the cities, you'll find historic architecture and cobblestone streets. Modern travelers ...
This entertaining tour tells the scandalous, dubious, and sinister tales lurking in the cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and waterfront. Throughout the tour, your guide will share ...