Transforming oil spill response, nanosponges provide an efficient, eco-friendly solution for oil absorption, outperforming ...
At close: March 13 at 12:09:10 PM EDT Loading Chart for CNT.TO ...
From its origins in a garage to becoming one of the most recognisable symbols in the world, explore the story behind the iconic Apple logo design. Apple is a company that has changed the technology ...
2025年3月,由北京大学彭练矛院士团队联合北京邮电大学研制的全球首款碳基AI芯片正式发布,这标志着半导体技术的重大飞跃,有可能超越传统硅基芯片的局限性。 研究团队展示了一款碳纳米管 ...
To further raise awareness, MADD Canada has launched a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) titled Heroes, which targets young men and challenges the dangerous misconception that they can drive after ...
We are thrilled to release our latest Eagle2 series Vision-Language Model. Open-source Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have made significant strides in narrowing the gap with proprietary models. However ...
shop_list:包含店铺相关信息的数组。 author_info:店铺店主信息,包括author_id(店主ID)、author_logo(店主头像链接)、author_nick_name(店主昵称)、aweme_id(抖音号)、fans_count(粉丝数量)和url_list(店铺相关链接列表)。 image:店铺的标识图片链接。 shop_id ...