企业参访后,马博洋大使与成都市人民政府副市长赵建举行双边会谈。双方一致认为,卢布尔雅那与成都的姊妹城市长期友谊为深化生物技术、电子与信息通信、医药、可再生能源等领域的贸易合作奠定了坚实基础。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
As the countdown to the 2025 World Games begins, excitement is building around the extensive upgrades made to key competition venues at Chengdu Sport University. This prestigious event is set to unfol ...
According to Air China, three round trips are scheduled each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Using an Airbus A320 aircraft, the outbound flight departs at 10:20am local time, arriving in Tokyo ...
O Centro de Hemodiálise Jiren de Chengdu, a primeira instituição médica de bem-estar público da China financiada por doações chinesas e estrangeiras, foi inaugurado oficialmente nesta terça-feira em C ...
La superproducción de animación Nezha 2 ha favorecido el crecimiento del rubro cultural y creativo digital de China, con un aumento en las ofertas de empleo en animación, efectos visuales y diseño de ...
老牌奶茶香飘飘正尝试通过新手段赢回年轻群体的关注。 “CHENGDU成都,奶茶祖师爷来了。” 近日,成都春熙路上一块广告围挡的文案内容引发热议。有网友表示,上周末,多名高颜值,有着模特、网红甚至选秀练习生经历的工作人员身着类似空乘服装在此进行才艺展示,吸引许多路人合照。 有人一度以为这是男团的线下路演活动,事实上,这是香飘飘线下奶茶店搭建现场。
Professor Tao Lei's team performed the world's first remote non-invasive surgery on a patient with a glottic tumor in Kashgar, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, using China's ...
3月6日,成都市卫健委宣传统战党支部、温江区卫健局机关党委、成都医学城综合党委、温江区天府街道社区卫生服务中心党支部组织在海峡中小企业孵化园服务中心开展了“党建引领送健康・惠企暖心促发展”健康进企业活动。此次活动以党员医疗专家为先锋 ...