Captain America, Falcon and the unpredictable Josiah X find themselves at the mercy of the sinister forces running Eaglestar.
Brave New World's Red Hulk debut isn't the only major moment that has been spoiled in a trailer for a movie or TV show in the ...
Disney Plus has not yet announced when Captain America: Brave New Worldwill be streaming. It is expected to hit Disney Plus ...
But there is one iconic Phase 1 casting choice that we wish we could have seen played out further in the franchise: Edward ...
With the arrival of Red Hulk - a.k.a. Thunderbolt Ross (Harrison Ford) - to the MCU earlier this year with Captain America: ...
Captain America, Falcon and the unpredictable Josiah X find themselves at the mercy of the sinister forces running Eaglestar. Their escape may depend on the Red Hulk – but where do his loyalties ...
Foes, and The Juggernaut are some of the iconic Marvel villains that Mark Ruffalo's Hulk must one day face in the MCU.
Brave New World gives lots of attention to the fiery effects of the Red Hulk transformation, but never properly explains it.
Captain America: Brave New World served as a fresh start for the iconic character, with Anthony Mackie in the lead role and ...
Explore why Hulk is absent from Captain America: Brave New World despite Hulk-adjacent characters appearing. Director Julius ...
SPOILER ALERT    Marvel is hit or miss with their movies nowadays, so it makes sense that audiences were not exactly eager to ...
Red Hulk was a letdown in Captain America, failing to impress fans who were left wanting more. Marvel has diluted the Hulk's character, making him less impactful, which is irreversible.