I had the opportunity to pick up a nice little 17-inch Samsung SyncMaster CRT monitor a while ago, which I bought ...
A Samsung SyncMaster 793s from local markets, fully functional! Classic PC games like DOOM and Quake look superb on CRT ...
Whether your screen is a domestic TV or a dedicated monitor, the heat and voltage stress of driving a CRT made these devices significantly less reliable than many of their modern-day counterparts.
Whether your screen is a domestic TV or a dedicated monitor, the heat and voltage stress of driving a CRT made these devices significantly less reliable than many of their modern-day counterparts.
Using a single ultrawide display may be more convenient but a dual-monitor setup gives you extra flexibility, oftentimes at a fraction of the cost.
Many sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s evoke warm memories of fuzzy colors on a staticky CRT monitor. So Netflix adding A ...
The best monitor for PS5 will let your fancy new console ... and I actually started out using the PS1 with the family PC's CRT screen and an adapter. Things have changed dramatically since then ...
When developing Quake at id Software in the mid-1990s, John Carmack used an Intergraph InterView 28hd96 color CRT monitor. This cutting-edge display measured 28 inches (25.9 inches viewable ...