Our sister site, Engadget, has posted on A & A's (no, not that A.A.) new breathalyzer-equipped wristwatch, that, in addition to providing the time, date and a "temperature alarm," will give the ...
No surprise then that various inventions, from Saab's Alcokey and Nissan's breathalyzer interlock to third-party wares like JATY's breathalyzer and nav system and A&A's Alco-watch have been ...
Cannabix is quickly advancing its marijuana breathalyzer technology, with key validation work well underway in the United States. Cannabix Breath Collection Unit (“BCU”) with Breath Cartridge ...
Technically, the apparatus you blow into on the side of the road isn't even a breathalyzer. It's an alco-sensor, according to Kron, which gives the officer a "loose reading" of your blood alcohol ...