Natalie Lawrence uncovers fascinating other-worldly natural history, creatures that embody our anxieties and our irrational ...
Our critic on the month’s best releases. By Alida Becker A new book collects the Paper Magazine co-founder Kim Hastreiter’s most treasured belongings, and friends. By Tas Tobey In “The M ...
In “The Stained Glass Window,” David Levering Lewis delves into his ancestry to create a fuller picture of his family and its place in American history. David Sheff’s new biography, “Yoko ...
If Shulamith Firestone’s last work haunts the feminist movement, it may be because it suggests something disturbing about ...
Check out this list of our favorite teen book series -- in most cases, we've included a review of the first title in the series. And for even more suggestions, check out our lists Books Like the ...
In a movie climate where remakes tend to draw sneers of derision and claims that people have just gotten too lazy to invent ...
One reason to welcome a new translation is that old terms and cadences tend to petrify: repeat a phrase often enough ...
In The Mobile Image from Watteau to Boucher, art historian and curator David Pullins masterfully interrogates the status of the image as an object in eighteenth-century French art. This review of ...
Kay Nielsen is one of the most illustrious names associated with the Golden Age of Illustration in the latter half of the 19th century.