Spring is an important time of year for birds to get cracking laying eggs and raising chicks. But first things first they need to build their nests. Each species of bird brings its own style to its ...
These elaborate constructions are just some of the birds' nests found at the Natural History ... with its neat, open-cup design, a common shape for perching birds. The light-vented bulbul's ...
The Italian ecologist knew the trash hung from the nests of a certain bird, the black kite. But why? Many species of birds decorate their nests to attract a mate—but kites already have partners ...
Nest boxes help many species of birds, including eastern bluebirds, tree swallows and wood ducks, by providing protection ...
Each year, these birds typically build new, bowl-shaped nests using leaves, rushes and reeds. But, while nesting in cities, they often supplement these natural, biodegradable materials with man ...
He adds that the children take great delight in watching the nests in process of construction, and in the rearing and education of the young birds afterward. As soon as a nest is fairly begun ...
Inspired by Enzo Mari’s Nature Series (Serie della Natura), I tried to design a project to express the formal quality of birds with minimal elements through a precise and cost-effective process,' he ...
A team of locals and conservationists have erected the largest temporary predation exclusion zone for wildlife in Ireland in Acaill, Co Mayo.