“ Expedition Bigfoot ” Season 6 continues today. Episode 7 airs Wednesday night, March 5, at 10 p.m. Eastern/Pacific on ...
Aspiring archeologists can use the 2-in-1 scalpel and tweezers to dissect the gel specimen and reveal hidden skeletal bones.
So could Bigfoot become the state's official cryptid ... She is a South Bay native and majored in print journalism at Cal State University Long Beach.
In last week’s episode, Mireya and Biko navigated rapids while tracking a possible hunting party, Bryce gained knowledge from fresh prints and Russell created a trap for Bigfoot. What is ...
And we thought that it would be especially funny [to introduce a spot bill regarding Bigfoot] because typically spot bills disappear. We thought we would go over-the-top with AB 666 and that down ...
“Expedition Bigfoot” airs at 10 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, on the Discovery Channel. The synopsis for “Line of Sight” is, “In Washington’s backcountry, Mireya and Biko take clues from the land after ...
“Expedition Bigfoot” Season 6 continues today ... Bryce gains insight into the mysterious print found at his cabin; Russell’s bushcraft tripwire pays off. You can watch the show on-demand ...
California may soon have an official mythical creature — and naturally, it’s Bigfoot. Assemblymember Chris Rogers, who represents a stretch of the North Coast that has long been considered ...
If one assemblyman has his way, the state could soon adopt Bigfoot, a.k.a. Sasquatch, as its latest official emblem. Assemblyman Chris Rogers (D-Santa Rosa) authored AB 666 in hopes of making ...
One small step for man, and an even smaller step for Bigfoot. A new bill in California’s state legislature seeks to recognize the elusive Bigfoot as the state’s official cryptid.
And we thought that it would be especially funny [to introduce a spot bill regarding Bigfoot] because typically spot bills disappear. We thought we would go over-the-top with AB 666 and that down ...