Roman Catholics connect salvation to participation in church sacraments such as baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist.
The shelves are lined with rows of books on English Parliamentary debate, and at least one manual on order and discipline of Continental troops. Several issues of the Arminian Magazine are bound in ...
I expect that because they should be for we did stick it to them a bit. This is an old debate - Arminians and Calvinists have been at each other. Arminian theology can be called Wesleyan Arminianism ...
“The actions taken against the Arminian Patriarchate, based on an unverified and exorbitant Arnona Tax debt, are legally dubious and morally unacceptable,” the signatories said. “It is ...
“The actions taken against the Arminian Patriarchate, based on an unverified and exorbitant Arnona Tax debt, are legally dubious and morally unacceptable,” the signatories said. The Armenian ...
The actions taken against the Arminian Patriarchate, based on an unverified and exorbitant Arnona Tax debt, are legally dubious and morally unacceptable. It is inconceivable that Christian ...