Profile of the statue of Aphrodite of Milos (Venus de Milo) at the Louvre Museum. Credit: Bradley Weber / Flickr CC BY 2.0 She embodies the universal concepts of beauty, sexual love, and fertility, ...
While Homer describes Aphrodite as the daughter of the deities Zeus and Dione, Hesiod tells of her marine birth from the severed genitals of the primordial god Ouranos. The oil jar at right elegantly ...
Tiny specks of blood cover this amulet. They have pooled into the engravings on the back, spelling out the name 'Wulbren' in a grisly brown hue.
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These amulets were worn by Sons of the Tiger, a trio of martial arts experts, who fought in tandem to combine the amulet’s power. After the Sons of the Tiger was disbanded and discarded in the ...