Read here for an analysis of three high-yield dividend stocks - Altria (MO), Enbridge (ENB) and NNN REIT (NNN), for steady ...
Today, we know of Mars as a cold, dry desert, with patches of subterranean ice and ice caps at its poles. Billions of years ...
Host Mitch Jeserich talks about how democracy was born out of a class struggle between the aristocrats and the poor masses in ancient Athens. This episode covers part 2 of the 3 part telling of the ...
The little-known ancient Greek city of Europos has started to unveil its secrets in a new wave of excavations that started in ...
Ancient Egyptians were the earliest known tapestry designers, weaving in linen for burial ceremonies between 1483 and 1411 ...
Experts who recently investigated the scents of nine mummies said they still retained a faint "woody", "spicy" and "sweet" ...
An aspiring dictator, fueled by popular resentment, overthrows a failing republic. We've seen this show before ...
A descendant of King Porus, a colossus from ancient Indian history opens up about Alexander the Great and ancient and modern ...
“Softer shades of pink are perceived to be more delicate than red, evoking feelings of youthful sweetness, while the brighter ...
In Autun, France, archaeologists discovered a 1,600-year-old fabric woven with gold threads in an ancient burial site. The ...
From ancient traditions to modern marketing, chocolate’s journey to becoming the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift is a story of ...
Its purple dye, now faded to a red tint, was associated with elite aristocracy in ancient times, the institute said. The ancient gold fabric and an outline of a possible design pattern. Photo from F.