Our emotions are regulated in part by the amygdala, a structure within the brain’s limbic system. This peanut-size brain structure can wreak havoc on the ADHD brain, and when it takes over ...
Are you stressed out with your emotions running high? Understand how your ADHD brain regulates your emotions, and learn ...
Dr Tara Swart said how early interactions could profoundly impact the amygdala, by creating what she refers to as an 'emotional resonance loop. The amygdala is the area of the brain responsible ...
When people experience long-term stress, their body reacts in ways that can raise blood pressure. However, scientists do not ...
Chronic stress raises blood pressure. New research from Juntendo University, Japan, reveals that voluntary exercise prevents ...
Tonegawa explains that the contextual information about these events – where and when they happened—is recorded in the brain’s hippocampus, whereas the emotional component of the memory is stored ...
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a debilitating condition and a major cause of premature death worldwide. Chronic stress plays a significant role, but the underlying mechanism involving ...
University of California, Los Angeles researchers have discovered that chronic stress flips brain activity between two amygdala-striatal pathways, disrupting flexible decision-making and promoting ...