Two men were caught smuggling 54 kilogrammes of meth in suitcases, evading scanners. Paid 20,000 baht each; drugs valued at ...
Canadian actress Jasmine Mooney, known for her role in "American Pie Presents: The Book of Love," was detained by US ...
2025年3月17日,印度财政部税收局发布第02/2025-Customs (ADD)号通报称,接受印度商工部于2024年8月28日对原产于或进口自中国的厚度不超过80微米的铝箔 (Aluminium Foil)作出的反倾销肯定性初裁建议,决定对中国的涉案产品征收为期6个月的临时反倾销税,税额为619-873美元/吨,征税详情见附表。
Pigeons can be a real problem in the garden, destroying plants and causing a mess with their droppings - luckily, a gardening ...
The global pharmaceutical secondary packaging market is projected to reach USD 72.8 billion by 2035 from an estimated USD 45.2 billion in 2025, growing at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period.