1. Take a Turn Around the Base Start by taking a turn around the base of the cleat with the line. This ensures that the load is spread evenly on all fasteners holding the cleat to the dock or boat.
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Monday is Mr. George Hadley Day: Do you know his connection to Jaxson’s Ice Cream Parlor? George Hadley, who worked at Jaxson’s from 1958 until his death in 1996 at age 53, is the focus of two ...
What China seems to be saying with its war games near Australia is: If you’re challenging our air space over the South China Sea, which belongs to us, then we can ...
Public opinion signals urgency for water conservation Article author: ALEXANDRA M IDDLEWOOD Insight Kansas Article upload date: 2024-12-03 Get ready for a slash-and-burn Kansas legislative session ...
The best time to visit the Adirondacks is from May to August, when the weather is warm and the top sites are open for longer hours. But the region can get crowded this time of year, so you should ...
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