These sophisticated UAVs join Tehran’s other lethal drones, which have been prominently ... Iran added the Ababil-4 and the Ababil-5 UAVs to its weapons arsenal. As detailed in a report ...
Last week, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) gained an interesting new addition – the Shahid Bagheri, ...
巴盖里号无人机航母所搭载的Ababil-3舰载机无人机,更是让人有些憋不住笑。舰载版Ababil-3无人机赫然在原有的双尾撑单发布局的基础上,又在机翼 ...
In addition to drones and helicopters, the Shahid Bagheri carries weapons and missile boats For the first time, Iran posted a video online showing its new aircraft carrier in action. Specifically, the ...
Warship’s features Equipped with a 180-meter runway, the Shahid Bagheri warship accommodates multiple squadrons of unmanned aircraft, including the Ababil-3, Mohajer-6, and the advanced Qaher-313 ...
此外,视频中还展示了一架改装后的Ababil-3无人机从舰上590英尺(180米)的飞行甲板上发射的场景,该无人机带有一个拦阻钩,能够在飞行过程中钩住拦阻索,实现甲板上的安全降落。 Ababil-3无人机成亮点,性能引人关注 Ababil-3无人机无疑是此次展示中的一大亮点。
Additionally, videos show other drones, such as the Ababil-3, as well as manned aircraft, including Bell 206 and Mil Mi-17 helicopters, conducting takeoff and landing maneuvers on the flight deck.
Iran has commissioned its first aircraft carrier, the Shahid Bagheri (C110-4), which was developed by converting the commercial container ship Perarin as part of a program to repurpose large ...