Blue balls is a slang term for a medical condition called epididymal hypertension. This condition occurs when prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation causes fluid to build up in the testicles.
White color is currently chosen by the majority of customers, then black, red, silver, gray, brown, yellow, blue. ₱19,500,000 is the highest price for a Porsche Gt3 car for sale available on Philkotse ...
联想集团表示,反对 996,大部分人都能准时下班,在联想并不是什么新鲜事,也是联想人的共识。 联想集团还称“不打卡,灵活办公,不会形式主义地要求几点下班”,但这不等于鼓励“躺平”。“因为我们一直相信真正的竞争力来自科技创新,而非无意义的 ...
Neelamudi (Blue Hair), directed by Sharath Kumar V, is a gripping Malayalam film tackling caste-based discrimination in the digital age. Set in a rural village, it follows Sidhu, a vlogger ...
新鲜出炉的2025年政府工作报告中,也首次提出要综合整治“内卷式竞争”,强调破除市场分割、优化资源配置。 过去几年,“996”工作制一度被奉为互联网企业的成功密码,办公室里的挑灯夜战被视为企业奋斗精神的象征。殊不知过度加班超时工作,不仅损害 ...
Your ultimate source for Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, BMW, Audi and luxury lifestyle talk.
Porsche 911 GT3 makes itself one of the best sports cars worldwide. Indeed, opposite to its sweet look, it is equally devastating on track and road. This version is also a race-oriented road vehicle ...
近日,大疆、美的等多家国内大厂开始“反加班”,引发持续热议。3月12日,联想集团也发文“这里的夜晚静悄悄”,称“大厂反内卷文化看联想 ...