Wellness incorporates many dimensions of health, each contributing to a person’s overall well-being. People often think about wellness in terms of physical health, but wellness is a multi-dimensional ...
The broad scope of the search strategy acknowledges the different dimensions of the social environment that cannot be (re)viewed in isolation. The decision not to include studies investigating ...
To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Health Literacy Scale for HPV Vaccination among parents of girls aged 9-14. A total of 830 parents of girls in grades 3-8 were sampled using convenience ...
Anti-LGBTQI+ public policies overwhelmingly target youth and young adults, disrupting access to educational opportunities, social support, and health care services. Pro-LGBTQI+ policies such as ...
It appears that most private companies look at how their health insurance plans impact their budgets rather than how they ...
Introduction Globally, tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the leading infectious causes of death, with 1.3 million deaths.
While many think of self-care resources as only those that are overtly related to one’s mental health, such as meditation, ...
Learning Dimensions of Making and Tinkering one-pager This document is a quick reference of all five learning dimensions in one page. For each dimension we have identified some specific indicators to ...
Analysis of U.S. healthcare spending disparities, highlighting significant county-level variations and the implications for ...
Background The value of a participatory approach to the generation of evidence for health and social services from a moral, methodological and policy level continues to gain recognition globally.
unable to independently use public transit due to a disability or disabling health condition. Dimensions Clinic is a welcoming, safe and open space for LGBTQ+ youth to get comprehensive medical and ...