From James Bond to Darth Vader to John McClane, this is Collider's ranking of the 25 best movie characters of all time.
A successful song-and-dance team become romantically involved with a sister act and team up to save the failing Vermont inn of their former commanding general.
So here are the 25 best movies to watch on Netflix in 2025, covering everything from new releases like Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl to modern-day classics like The Irishman. The beloved ...
Our list of the best Netflix movies currently available in the US can give you more choices as well, but if it's definitely time for a scare, keep reading for the 25 best horror movies on Netflix ...
We searched through the offerings of all of the above to bring you the Best Movies On Demand, though no one service offers them all. We limited it to new VOD movies available to rent for less than ...
Netflix has many quality offerings, including beloved classics and compelling originals.
But let's focus on the times the Academy has awarded movies that are actually pretty good, or that at least reflect their eras enough to be interesting. Here are 25 of the best award winners ...
If you're looking for the best Prime Video movies, this guide is for you. Below you'll find our pick of the original and licensed films from other studios that you can stream right now on Amazon's ...
This post is updated regularly as movies leave and enter Hulu ... The last Oscar winner for Best Picture, Actress, Director, and Original Screenplay just dropped on Hulu, only a couple weeks ...
Here are 25 of the best worthy ... alien gave us one of the best uses of a heat-vision camera-view ever. A gang of junior film-makers shooting a zombie movie are caught up in a real life monster ...
Netflix’s huge catalog of movies continues to expand day by day, week by week, month by month. This makes keeping up to date with best the service has to offer — let alone finding something to ...