Spero Therapeutics Inc (SPRO) reports a significant revenue decline but advances its lead product candidate, tebipenem HBr, ...
Following recent approvals in the EU, China and the U.S., this approval was based on pivotal Phase 3 results in adults with elevated eosinophils ...
从应用角度看,INCAM 11菌株可使鹰嘴豆在50 mM NaCl条件下维持正常生理功能,这相当于将作物的耐盐阈值从30 mM提升至50 mM,对于墨西哥Yaqui Valley等盐渍化严重产区具有重要实践价值。未来研究可进一步解析AMF调控的分子通路,开发基于菌根生物技术的盐碱地改良方案,为全球粮食安全提供可持续解决方案。
TFE3 fusion proteins are the oncogenic drivers of translocation renal cell carcinoma but their mechanism of action remains ...
The new LDV Terron 9 double-cab bakkie has been pencilled in for a late-2025 launch in SA, likely with a 2.5-litre ...
Based on the X70, the X70 Lightning i-DM is a three-row 7-seater SUV measuring in at 4,785 mm in length, 1,900 mm in width, ...
This case emphasises the need for early recognition and proper diagnosis of CHIKV infection in patients with acute joint pain ...
In patients with type 2 diabetes and albuminuria, dapagliflozin leads to a significant reduction in urine ...
This study provides a potentially useful investigation into the positive role of BDNF/TrkB signaling in implanted dental pulp stem cells to enhance dentin regeneration in the context of dental caries.
Gold Project, Canada ...
Galegenimab, an anti-HtrA1 antibody, does not slow the progression of geographic atrophy, according to research published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology.
PARP7 is a mono-ADP-ribosyl transferase (mono-ART) which has recently gained attention due to its emerging role as a negative ...