第五届联合国环境大会在环境问题上发挥领导作用,促进政府间行动,并为实施联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》及其可持续发展目标(SDGs)做出贡献。 第五届联合国环境大会的线上会议议程将在常驻代表委员会不限成员名额会议第五次会议上予以筹备,该会议将 ...
We promote sustainable, low-emission transport and work to reduce the sector’s contribution to air pollution and climate change.
The Second Order Draft (SOD) of the main report and the First Order Draft (FOD) of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) were submitted for intergovernmental and expert peer review on 1 November 2024, ...
A project backed by the Chilean government and UNEP is helping to revive the Cahuil wetland and kickstart economic growth.
Most ozone-depleting substances also contribute to global warming. By reining in these substances and protecting carbon sinks ...
A global treaty to end plastic pollution is within reach, but action on chemicals, production and financing is critical.
From savannahs to forested highlands, the many ecosystems of Tanzania are being increasingly affected by climate change.
Un proyecto respaldado por el gobierno de Chile y el PNUMA está ayudando a recuperar el humedal de Cahuil e impulsar el ...
Biodiversity is the complex web that sustains all life, including human existence. Yet, this web is unravelling – 1 million ...
Resultado de parceria entre o Programa da ONU para o Meio Ambiente, a Bridge for Billions, e o Instituto Legado de ...
Inger Andersen delivers a welcome speech at the Geneva Environment Network High-Level 25th Anniversary Celebration.