Dr. Crawford did his undergraduate degree in genetics at the University of Alberta, then worked for a few years in the computer industry doing software development and network design work. He returned ...
Get hands-on support from Canada’s top cybersecurity researchers. Help us build industry-leading cybersecurity technology. And face emerging threats with company-specific, cross-disciplinary research.
Enhance workplace well-being and inclusivity with our Certificate in Psychologically Safe Leadership (CPSL), Certificate in Becoming a Psychologically Safe & Inclusive Employee (CPSIE), and wellness ...
In 2021, the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT) released the first report in a Population and demographics count series that provides a snapshot of the population of New ...
UNB Counselling Services is committed to the academic and personal development of all students. We provide a range of free, confidential short-term mental health services to undergraduate and graduate ...
The University of New Brunswick accepts qualified applicants from all countries. The list below includes the countries from which we receive the most inquiries. Please email us if you have studied in ...
Along with assisting the University of New Brunswick's students and programs, there are tremendous benefits to you for donating shares and other investments to the university. As of 2006, when you ...
We provide opportunities to everyone who wants to learn about Wabanaki histories, cultures, contributions, and treaty rights through principles of respect, sharing, harmony, acceptance and unity.
We apologize, this dataset is no longer available. ISCX NSL-KDD is a data set suggested to solve some of the inherent problems of the KDD'99 data set which are mentioned in [1]. Although, this new ...
The Gérard V. La Forest Law Library serves the faculty, staff, and students of the UNB Faculty of Law, as well as the rest of the UNB/STU community. We provide a wealth of legal information and ...
With equipment unique to Canada, a breadth of engineering expertise and access to agile testing services, the Ballistic & Mechanical Test Lab undertakes impact and environmental research projects and ...
Welcome to the University of New Brunswick - where faculty, staff and students come together to experience the UNB legacy and make their mark. We invite you to search our current position vacancies ...