Students often complain to their T ai Chi teachers that they cannot memorize the T ai Chi form The form is a means to ...
Ram chakra tiwari death day Articles ...
Is it possible to see into the future Many believe that a man named Michel de Nostradamus could His predictions of the future have mystified scholars for over four hundred years Nostradamus made over ...
What are the punishments for transgender in garuda purana Videos ...
Hinduism is perhaps the oldest religion in the world with sacred texts estimated to date back to 3000 BC Many of its traditions have lasted for eons with origins lost in time A Hindu wedding one of th ...
So like many of the great Indian thinkers and philosophers and eminent personalities Chanakya also studied and taught at the ...
Yogacharya Surakshit Goswami on beating the heat in the months ahead We often think that our ancestors had it easy their lives were less complicated and they were not subjected to the kind of stress t ...
Our thoughts on death can greatly determine our outlook on life. Do we want to stay bound to the transience of everything? Is it right to grieve for a long time over the loss of a loved one?
Taurus is the proverbial bull Bull in a china shop Studbull Varasyajee the allwhite bull which the Zorastrians keep and use for ceremonial occasions Actually the urine of the bull is usedfor ...
Understanding the soul is real knowledge. In the course of the pandemic, we have learnt to enjoy solitude more than crowded festivity. Now, we will have to learn to reduce dependence on free goods ...
The Mahabharat is one of the two major epics in Sanskrit of ancient India It contains over one lakh couplets and is thrice as long as the Bible However only a fraction of the narration actually deals ...