The Royal Society of Biology’s annual Voice of the Future event – where Parliamentarians are questioned by early career STEM ...
Four bioscience winners were selected from 30 finalists at the annual STEM for BRITAIN competition for early career ...
Pursuing a career in biology is stimulating and rewarding. The RSB support biologists with career advice, professional recognition and training events.
We are committed to supporting and encouraging the study of biology at primary, secondary and tertiary levels across the UK, working in coordination with our member organisations and with the broader ...
The resources are aimed at post-16 students taking biology (or related subjects) to A level, Scottish Higher or similar level. These will also be of use to first year undergraduates studying biology.
This grade of Royal Society of Biology membership offers significant benefits and shows potential employers that you are serious about your future in the life sciences. If you have completed your ...
On this page, you'll find some useful links to help you - from GCSEs to university and beyond.
The Russian nobleman-turned-anarchist was also a biologist whose research in Siberia laid the groundwork for modern biological studies of co-operation and altruism, writes Tom Ireland Peter ...
This special advisory committee of the RSB brings together the UK plant science community to develop a coordinated approach to policy and practice in research, industry, funding, education and ...
Welcome to the RSB's A-Z of the Biosciences video series! Each video focusses on a different area of biology, with our biologists sharing the highlights of their work. Each video has details of the ...
SciberMonkey is an excellent website that points students and teachers to thousands of resources spanning age 5-16 biology chemistry and physics. The Practical Biology website has a wide variety of ...
This competition is for people aged 7-18 years old to draw or paint their favourite animal, plant or fungi. The competition is open to entries of two dimensional artworks only. Please read the ...