NS Standards for Construction and Installation for Petroleum Storage Tank Systems 2021 (PDF:759k) NS Standards for Construction and Installation for Petroleum Storage Tank Systems 1997 (PDF:288k) ...
Margaree River Wilderness Area protects the upper reaches of the renowned Northeast Margaree River, in Inverness County. Expanded in 2015, this wilderness area now encompasses nearly 9,000 hectares.
Treaty Education is a vehicle to begin the long-term journey, over generations, toward reconciliation. The Mi’kmaq and provincial government are working together to develop specific programs and ...
Scrag Lake Wilderness Area protects a remnant tract of intact forest within the heavily settled and farmed LaHave Drumlins Natural Landscape, a region that is otherwise poorly represented in the ...
Recreational Camps in Nova Scotia are regulated through the Recreational Camps Regulations under the Health Protection Act. On behalf of the Department of Health and Wellness, they are inspected on an ...
Le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse a mis en œuvre une initiative sur les services en français. Le ministère de l'Environnement Nouvelle-Écosse travaille présentement en vue d'offrir les documents ...
Property Online (POL) is an internet browser application that provides online access to land ownership and related information collected through the province’s Land Registration Offices and other ...
You can get an application form by visiting or phoning either of the offices above. The following items must accompany the application: Motor Vehicle Inspection Tester Licence application, zoning ...
Hazardous materials and wastes can enter the environment (air, water, and soil) when they are produced, used, and disposed. The impact to the environmental is determined by: Improper handling of ...
The following is a list of all Agencies, Boards and Commissions by department. Click on the name of a board to see its profile and any available positions.
Anyone who wants to search for and recover in Oak Island Nova Scotia precious stones or metals in a state other than their natural state, and to keep them (upon payment of royalty). Licences may be ...
Winter doesn't mean an end to fun and active outdoor activities. It does mean that we have to prepare for the colder weather in order to be active safely. The cold affects us all differently -- we ...