The 1917 Curtiss Autoplane is one of the earliest attempts to create a flying car. Designed by aviation pioneer Glenn Curtiss ...
When it comes to having an application that allows you to do what Skype was so good at, though, you’re not going to find much better than Viber. In some ways it is similar to WhatsApp, offering the ...
It isn’t out of the realms of the possible that you’re the sort of person that likes to play computer games to keep yourself entertained. Some people will spend hours doom-scrolling on social media ...
One of the biggest problems that parents have had ever since the invention of the television has been getting their kids to go outside and do some exercise. As technology developed and games consoles ...
From the moment that Nintendo released the Color TV-Game in 1977, the company has gone from strength to strength. The Nintendo Entertainment System could be considered to be one of the first ...
For those of us of a certain age, there will always be some games that we remember fondly. Whether it is playing Duck Hunt on the Nintendo Entertainment System or the original Call of Duty on ...