A bright red barn set against a background of green fields and bright blue skies can be a picturesque image of farming. As time passes and usage changes, however, property owners in agricultural areas ...
Following changes to a federal transportation bill, Minnesota statutes relating to the operation of covered farm vehicles have changed, according to Minnesota State Patrol Commercial Vehicle Inspector ...
My father-in-law, Leon Horstmann, bought the mailman's old horse when the horse could no longer do the job. But every time he hooked the horse up to the wagon to go to town or take the kids to school, ...
As many Minnesota dairy farms have been forced to sell out in recent years, the Boehlke farm, just outside of Waverly, has managed to survive through some rough and seemingly unlucky circumstances.
This is the Herald Journal’s third installment of looking at rural cemeteries from our readership area. This time, we’ll take a snapshot of the Sylvan Cemetery, which is located roughly five miles ...
Farming is a tough business that requires hard work and long days. Farmers have to deal with rising costs, unpredictable weather, and uncertain prices when it is time to sell. But there are farms like ...
The field of agriculture is growing, and many local students are harvesting its bounty through a college degree. “I grew up on a farm, and I’ve always enjoyed feeding the livestock, getting up early, ...