Christopher K. Johnson is a senior fellow at CSIS. An accomplished Asian affairs specialist, Mr. Johnson spent nearly two decades serving in the U.S. government’s intelligence and foreign affairs ...
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg served as German federal minister of defense from 2009 to 2011 and as federal minister of economics and technology from February 2009 to October 2009. As minister of defense ...
While parts of the Middle East are inherently water scarce, tensions in the region and governance issues have brought the ...
The Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program’s work seeks to develop a deeper understanding of Europe’s political, security, and economic evolution and its future role in the world; geopolitical ...
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a nonprofit, bipartisan policy research organization located in Washington, DC dedicated to advancing practical ideas to address the ...
Inside Cyber Diplomacy presents a wide-ranging and thought-provoking look at international cybersecurity, its challenges, and practices. Through candid interviews with experts around the world, ...
After several centuries of relative Taiwanese autonomy, if uncertain sovereign status vis-à-vis China (a subject of continuing debate between China, Taiwan, and international scholars), Japan acquired ...
Anthony H. Cordesman's book, The Gulf War, was published in October 1994, and was the first comprehensive analysis of the strategic and military lessons of the Gulf War. Unlike previous studies, which ...
Sean O’Keefe is a longtime public administrator, national security, financial management, and aerospace industry veteran who has held leadership positions in the U.S. government, higher education, and ...
The innovation ecosystem concept highlights the multiple intersecting and layered networks of cooperation underpinning the nation’s innovation and manufacturing activities. However, there is a growing ...
The China Power Project is committed to providing interactive visualizations and expert analysis in order to facilitate informed discussions of the complexities, capabilities, and potential outcomes ...
The USMCA Strategic Initiative is anchored by a series of invitation-only roundtables convening government officials, trade experts, and private sector leaders from all three countries to discuss ...