University language studies are struggling due to low student numbers. In light of budget cuts, some universities are abolishing French and German studies or choosing to merge them. Tekst Maaike Lange ...
The focus on promising advice is counterproductive. Too many students are moving on to a level they cannot handle. Practical education is noticing this in a declining inflow and a higher lateral ...
Safran is the best student in the class. He is also very nice, looks very well groomed and speaks Dutch much better than many of his classmates from the region. He is more or less the ideal son-in-law ...
Bram van Welie, principal of the Edith Stein College in The Hague, describes the school plan as a heat shield. “A good school plan makes you stronger as a school leader and as a teacher. It says what ...
Peter becomes ill shortly after starting at a new school. The new employer wants to have his employment contract annulled, because the teacher did not report that he had also been absent from his ...
The Jordan - Montessori Lyceum Utrecht in Zeist is definitively closing the grades section of Magister for parents. The school hopes to reduce the pressure on students to perform by doing so. “Why ...
Education Minister Bruins wants to bring threatened top scientists to the Netherlands | AOb: 'It's bizarre that the minister is now coming up with this' Scientists who want to move to another country ...
The school, the Kennemer College Beroepsgericht, published yesterday afternoon after a conversation with Keeman a joint message on the website. The purpose of Keeman's exemption was to give him a rest ...
The strike payment of 61 euros is for a whole day and is tax-free. If you work fewer hours on the day of the strike, you will be paid in proportion to the working time. To claim the strike benefit you ...
From 2021, pre-schoolers are no longer allowed to take 'school' tests. And a year of toddlers no longer counts as sitting down. These political promises are a breakthrough in years of discussion about ...