The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant changes to individual income taxes and the estate tax. Almost all these provisions expire after 2025. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made substantial ...
The individual income tax deduction for charitable giving provides a substantial incentive to give by reducing the taxpayer’s cost of donating. In 2023, charitable giving by individuals is estimated ...
TPC estimates that extending expiring provisions of the TCJA would slightly boost GDP in the short term by about 0.4 percent, on average, from 2026 through 2034. But over time, these benefits would ...
Corporations and individual taxpayers who itemize can deduct charitable contributions to 501(c)(3) organizations. Many nonprofit institutions are exempt from paying federal income tax, but taxpayers ...
The United States imposes a tax on the profits of US resident corporations at a rate of 21 percent (reduced from 35 percent by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act). The corporate income tax raised $424.7 ...
State and local governments collected a combined $4.1 trillion of general revenues in fiscal year 2021, from a mix of income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, charges for specific government ...
The federal individual income tax has seven tax rates ranging from 10 percent to 37 percent (table 1). The rates apply to taxable income—adjusted gross income minus either the standard deduction or ...
How do Opportunity Zones Work? The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created the Opportunity Zones program—meant to spur investment in undercapitalized communities. The program provided three tax benefits ...
Nonprofit organizations that do not distribute profits can be exempt from federal income tax if organized expressly for public purposes. Tax-exempt organizations (including charities) include many ...
Federal excise tax revenues—collected mostly from sales of motor fuel, airline tickets, tobacco, alcohol, and health-related goods and services—totaled nearly $90 billion in 2022, or 1.8 percent of ...
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut taxes substantially from 2018 through 2025. The resulting deficits are adding $1 to $2 trillion to the federal debt, according to official estimates from before and ...
Severance taxes are taxes on the extraction of natural resources such as oil and natural gas. State and local governments collected a combined $11.8 billion in revenue from severance taxes in 2021.