Germany should take on a leadership role in defending the international legal order against attacks from Russia and, now, the United States. That also means that Friedrich Merz must rescind his ...
The images that began coming out of Bergamo in early 2020 - of coffins being loaded onto military trucks as the coronavirus tightened its grip - spread fear across Europe. And the scars are still ...
Donald Trump has jettisoned the existing world order and the U.S. is backing away from decades-old alliances. Europe has no ...
U.S. President Donald Trump has cast a covetous gaze at Greenland. But why? In an interview, Greenland expert Paul Bierman explains why the exploitation of natural resources on the island is difficult ...
With U.S. President Donald Trump having made it clear that he has little use for the trans-Atlantic alliance, Europe is rapidly trying to design a strategy for Ukraine - and for its own future.
For more than two years, a junior officer in the Syrian military, his sister and a friend risked their lives to collect evidence of the atrocities being committed by the regime. Their work changed the ...
In his speech before U.S. Congress on Tuesday, Donald Trump used the word "historic” precisely 14 times. But it was most accurately used during his invitation to the people of Greenland to join ...
Eckball Deutschland, kein Italiener schaut hin – Tor: Die DFB-Elf hat einen selten gesehenen Treffer erzielt und seinen ...
Wissenschaftler der Uni Mainz haben in Namibia und anderen Wüstengebieten seltsame Gesteinsröhrchen gefunden. Sie vermuten, ...
Wissenschaftler der Uni Mainz haben in Namibia und anderen Wüstengebieten seltsame Gesteinsröhrchen gefunden. Sie vermuten, ...
Deutschland schickt sich an, die Staatsschulden um bis zu zwei Billionen Euro zu erhöhen. Wir sind nicht allein: Weltweit ...
Das israelische Militär hat einen Luftschlag gegen das größte noch arbeitsfähige Krankenhaus im Süden des Gazastreifens ...